

Working as a holistic practitioner since 1996 has led me to develop my practice on a multi-disciplinary level. I take great joy in creating courses, workshops and treatment sessions to suit the individual’s requirements and preferences. Using the principals of Hata and Kriya Yoga, Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine, NLP and Sound Healing within my practice.

Though I am a certified Adult Education Lecturer, I see myself as a facilitator rather than an instructor. I believe everyone has all the resources they need for achieving and maintaining wellbeing, clarity and focus; for overcoming limitations and realising their dreams, my role is just to remind them how.

The qualifications and affiliations that I have earned, each is a reminder of a happy experience and the good fortune of learning from remarkable experts of the field: Institute of Sound Healing Academy, Tama Do, The Shiatsu College, Zen School of Shiatsu, Self Realisation Fellowship, Federation of Holistic Therapists, Shivananda Yoga Centre, McKenna and Brine LTD.