Louise physio

Fixes To Your Working From Home Environment

Physiotherapist at The Hogarth Clinic, Louise Jewers, gives her advice on temporary fixes that you can make for your working environment to maintain your physical health.

You may have had to improvise with your work set up during the COVID-19 outbreak if you do not normally work from home, and as a result; you may be noticing some new aches and pains. Not everyone has a dedicated workspace, desk and chair at home and are relying on the kitchen or dining table or even their laps at present. Additionally, if you have family at home, juggling available space and work surfaces to accommodate their needs and other day-to-day tasks can prove testing. Finding an ideal space may be near impossible.

So, I would like to share with you some improvised and affordable fixes that may make you more comfortable working at home. Below is a diagram of an ideal set up:


Seat heights can be raised with a cushion if too low.


If you are shorter use a footrest or book under your feet for support so you can sit comfortably back in the chair.


Make sure the seat is not hitting the back of your knees because it can reduce blood flow and cause your feet and ankles to swell. Change the chair if you can or place a cushion behind your back to reduce the depth of the chair.


Support in the small of your back if you have a tendency to sit slumped, place a small cushion or rolled towel behind your back at waist level. If using a small towel, feed it into an old pair of tights so you can tie it around the back of the chair to hold it in place.


Lap top screens are too low to use for a long period of time. If used at a lower level, for example on your lap, it is very likely that you will develop a forward neck in your posture which can create further injuries and pain within the body. Your head is very heavy for the muscles to hold up in this position and the body can only cope with this positioning for short periods of time. For longer term working, you can use books to raise it to a comfortable eye level, one that keeps your head and neck in neutral (do the same for PC monitors if too low) and use an external keyboard and mouse. Despite the name, laptops should not be used on a low surface, such as your lap, for obvious reasons.


Consider setting up a standing work surface for part of the day. For example, the kitchen work surface or chest of drawers. However, you will most likely need to tweak the height so that your arms are in a similar position to the ideal seated posture. For example, an upturned plastic box or washing up bowel, books or other improvised objects. But alternate between sitting and standing to vary the postural strain.


If you have no space for a dedicated desk and office chair, then dependent on your needs, you can buy inexpensive seat cushions, lumbar supports, lap top risers and external keyboards and mouse online. You can even invest in a sit stand desk riser. An example can be seen here: https://sit-stand.com/sit-stand-converter/120-yo-yo-desk-mini.html other sites can be found through Google for all these products.


We are not designed to stay in one position. Even the perfect sitting posture will cause our bodies problems if we don’t move often. Movement improves circulation, comfort, and performance. It also decreases the risk of injuries. Remember you are no longer commuting to and from work, which is exercise in itself!

• Take some exercise before and after work.

• Make sure you have a long mid daybreak if doing a full day and move.

• Set reminders to move on your smart phone - time can pass quickly if focused. Switch between sitting and standing.

• Get up at regular intervals.

• Climb up and down the stairs a few times or walk around the garden.

• Stretch in standing or on the floor.

• Take phone calls standing up or moving around.

• Walk, run or cycle outside daily. If not used to these activities, vary and build up slowly.

• Schedule a live or on demand Hogarth work out into your day. More details – bit.ly/HogarthOnline


Exercise is good for your brain and cognition as well as your body. Below shows a scan and the benefits of exercise in adolescents.



Don’t be tempted to work late into the evening. Evidence shows that blue light interrupts our sleep. Good quality sleep is necessary for a healthy immune system to heal our body and mind. Further details can be found here: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/why-electronics-may-stimulate-you-bed

Stay safe and well.

For more advice or a video consultation, Louise & Caroline can be contacted on info@louisejewersphysio.co.uk or 07956255427 while the club & clinic is temporarily closed.
