Crucial Café - Coming Spring 2015 April 27 2015 A visit to the Crucial Café should be an experience, where service and aesthetics are important too. We aim to create a friendly, relaxed environment where you can enjoy hanging out with us and we look forward to welcoming you with open arms.....and an open mind!
Beauty offer of the month April 21 2015 Throughout April, we are offering a 25% discount on our Hydraboost Facial.
May Bank Holiday Timetable 2015 April 21 2015 The Club will open between 8am and 8pm on Monday 4th May 2015 with a revised studio timetable which you can see here. There is no change to the opening hours and timetable schedule on the Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd May.
Your complete guide to a pre-competition meal - Gabriel Jones March 27 2015 Regardless of shape or size, everyone who enters the arena of competitive sport faces the same rigorous energy demands: speed, strength, agility, physical endurance and psychological sharpness.
Prioritisation is key to achieving your goals - Vojin March 27 2015 Most of us know that exercise is good for you. Most of us know that we should exercise more in order to achieve our goals; yet most of us still do not exercise enough. So, how do we bridge the gap between motivation and success? How do we ensure that our good intentions are realised?
Training 101 - New Circuit Class March 25 2015 Training 101 is a weekly class with a difference. Based around the principles of CIRCUIT TRAINING, Training 101 will introduce you to a variety of equipment and exercises to help improve your SPEED, AGILITY, POWER, STRENGTH and ENDURANCE.
Easter Timetable 2015 March 17 2015 For the forthcoming Easter weekend and Bank Holidays, the Club will open between 8am and 8pm. Click here to view the timetables.
Let's Move For A Better World - GYMNASIUM COMPETITION March 01 2015 We have another challenge to get you motivated and we want to try to win fitness equipment for a local school.. It's called Let's Move For A Better World. This competition will run from 2nd March to the 22nd March.
Marathon Man February 05 2015 Long-standing Hogarth and Park Club member Johhny Moore will be running the 2015 Virgin Money London Marathon in aid of Project Trust, a charity for which he is both a trustee and board member. A self-confessed 'novice runner' when he took on the challenge, he has already made great strides (pun intended) with the help of our Group Fitness Manager Terry Rodham.
The New Spring Timetable 2015 January 02 2015 The New Spring Timetable is here and takes effect from Monday 5th January. Look out for Ski Fitness on Wednesday evenings!
Pre and Post Natal Classes at The Park Club September 11 2014 Liana continues to run her fantastic pre and post natal classes at The Hogarth. Please have a look here for more information and times.
Latin Dance Night at The Hogarth September 11 2014 The Hogarth will be hosting a Latin Dance Night every Monday in the Hogarth bar - open to members and friends who aren't members. Inspiration 2 Dance have arranged for a fantastic teacher called Nuno Sabroso to come and teach you all Salsa, Cha Cha, Rumba and Jive...
Hogarth Autumn Timetable September 09 2014 The Autumn Class Timetable is now available to download. We have some exciting new Instructors and great classes as always.
Terry's Ironman Wales 2014 challenge for Back on Track September 01 2014 Terry Rodham, The Hogarth's Wellness Manager has spent the last 12 months pushing himself to his limits for a truly worthy cause; the Russell Dawkins Back on Track charity.
May 2014 Bank Holiday Timetables May 02 2014 For the forthcoming May Bank Holidays, the Club will open between 8am and 8pm. Click Bank Holiday Monday Classes to view the timetables for 8th & 26th May.