

Karen Mason at the Professional World Natural Bodybuilding Championships in NYC! February 21 2012 In November our Group Studios Manager, Karen Mason, jetted off to the bright lights of NYC to compete in the Professional World Natural Bodybuilding Championships...and came back a happy lady!

EASTER Bank Holiday Opening Hours February 21 2012 Dear members, click here for our Easter Bank Holiday weekend opening hours.

2013 Studios Timetable December 22 2011 Exercise your mind and body and decide which classes you're going to attend in 2013HERE

Early Club Closure at 6.30pm on Thurs 15th December - Staff Christmas Party December 07 2011 On Thursday 15th December we are having our staff Christmas Party and the Club will close at 6.30pm sharp. The gym will close at 6pm and wet areas at 6.15pm.

Member Lynn Wilson talks 'Tennis at Hogarth' November 03 2011 Member Lynn Wilson talks about taking up tennis for the first time as a member at the Hogarth and the great experiences she's had so far!

30 years of Stories & Photos October 01 2011 Starting 2 October 2011, members of The Hogarth will be invited to enter a new competition for the best story and / or photograph we receive in the next year! For starters, here's a few PHOTOGRAPHS, to whet the appetite.

Thirty Years of Stories September 29 2011 On Saturday 1 October, the Hogarth will be celebrating its 30th birthday. During this time the Club has shared so many experiences, as have our members. Here's a few that we have received so far and have particularly enjoyed. All these receive a prize and the overall winner will win a FREE YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP!

Hogarth 30th Anniversary Celebrations - Sat 1 October September 02 2011 Dear Members, we are delighted to announce that we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary on 1 October with a big party! Read on...

Monthly Studio Technique Classes starting Wednesday 7 September September 02 2011 Have you ever been concerned that you might not be doing things right in class, be it Spinning, Body Pump, Abs, Step, Circuit, or any class for that matter. Yes? Well read on...

Porsche Centre West London Open Drive Weekend - 17 & 18 September September 02 2011 Porsche Centre West London would like to invite Hogarth members to their Open Drive Weekend on Saturday 17 or Sunday 18 September. Read on for details...

The Hogarth 24 hour Charity Spinathon! - 30 September August 04 2011 Yes it's that time of year again - time for Terry and the Gym team's crazy 24 hour Charity Spinathon! Read on for details.

Cover classes for Alison's Stretchworks and Danceworks next week, 1-5 August July 29 2011 While Alison is away on leave we have arranged a selection of cover classes which we hope you will enjoy!

Louise Hutchinson tries a triathlon June 24 2011 Hogarth Member Louise Hutchinson trains for a triathlon. Read on to hear all about her experience.

Queen Mother's Clothing Guild - Charity evening, 28 June 7.30pm June 17 2011 This wonderful charity is holding an evening to raise funds for their very worthwhile cause on Tuesday 28 June.

Hogarth Movie Night - Sunday 26 June June 17 2011 The next movie night will take place on 26 June. Read on for details!