Glute blog

Why Glutes are Often The Roots of Success

In the classic film Gladiator, as he nears death, Emperor Marcus Aurelius sees the future and wants Maximus Decimus Meridius to be his successor. Well, if I was to predict a future muscle group to rule the world it would be Maximus Minimus and Medius aka the glutes. Now that I have got my shoe horn out of the way we can all read on.

The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle we have, and in conjunction with the smaller gluteus medius and minimus they are amongst the most vital and to be honest most sought after muscles to build. Functionally they extend and externally rotate the hip or abduct the leg. They also stabilise your pelvis and play a vital role in the lower body kinetic chain and balance. Any weakness can expose your lower limbs to injury.


Your glutes are a driving force in the power and speed you produce. A study last year from Loughborough University correlated the size of the gluteus maximus and elite sprinting outcomes. The study from PhD student Rob Miller and Professor Jonathan Folland concluded that elite sprinters clearly benefitted from bigger butts compared to sub-elite racers and untrained runners, especially as they found other major muscles like the calves didn’t show a deviation between groups. The glutes play such a key role in the power hub that anyone training for max effort, explosive events should try and bulk that butt. As you drive your leg down and behind to propel yourself forward your glutes should be the key.


Over the last twenty years we have seen the focus shift aesthetically too. It was more common for women to come to the gym wanting to minimise curves whereas now it is much more popular for them to want to train to accentuate them. The athleisure market has clearly cottoned on to that and any advert you see will celebrate and empower the more curvaceous figure. As a result freeweight areas are increasingly populated with participants from any sex targeting their bottoms. The change as to what is predominantly desirable has changed since the 20th century. Hypertrophy of muscles used to be almost only a male objective, yet now many women want to develop the gluteus maximus and get bigger. 


In terms of performance and quality of movement the glutes are often targeted with activation during a warm up. Banded warm ups are all the rage and working on hip mobility is vital before getting stuck into heavy lifting. Getting them switched on will lead to better performance during the main part of your work out. Whether it’s just walking, running or jumping your glutes are needed in everyday life. In terms of your agility and your lateral flow your sideways movement is also glute dependant. If I had a pound for every time I’ve told a client to squeeze their glutes during a session I’d have lots of pounds. It is not a muscle we see working, often in compound exercises you may not feel it at the time but the soreness the day after lets you know you did your job and mine well. 


Pesky injuries will affect us all at some point. Many people miss out on applying the previous paragraph, the glutes end up overlooked and undercooked and it can lead to the body breaking down. If I had a pound for every time I’ve seen a member recovering from injuries who has been told by their physio to work on their glutes I’d have more pounds than Scrooge McDuck. Their lack of activity is often related to knee/ankle instability, lower back pain and sciatica. It is also great practice to stretch the glutes but do not ignore loosening the hip flexors at the front as they can inhibit your buttocks firing.


Seven Exercises to Rump Heaven

Demonstrated beautifully by Personal Trainer, Milos.

Glute bridges – supine and with your shoulders on a bench, keep your feet hip width apart as you thrust your hips to the ceiling. Add a weight or barbell across the front of your hips for more resistance. Keep scrolling to find our NEW plate loaded glute drive machine too!

GLUTE bridges at The Hogarth Club, Gym Chiswick

Squats – many variations and stances are available, always remember to look out for the alignment of your toes, knees and hips throughout. As you lower your hips back, keep your heels down and chest up as your spine stays neutral and supported. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor push back up.

squats the Hogarth Club chiswick gym

Lunges – taking a slightly longer than normal step ahead, drop your back knee to a right angle. Meanwhile stay tall and proud with your shoulders level. The front knee should not go beyond your toes and both knees stop at 90 degrees before lifting back up.

lunge exercise at the hogarth Club chiswick west london

Single Leg Deadlift – with feet shoulder width apart lift one of the ground, hinge from the hips and lean forward. Your balance will be tested so keep practicing but aim to keep your upper body steady and level as you lower yourself towards being parallel to the floor before you stand back upright.

single deadlift exercise the Hogarth Club

Clams – lie on your side with your legs stacked and knees at 45 degrees. Open the top knee up whilst keeping your hips stable. Keep your feet in contact throughout and pause at the top before returning to start position.

clams glute exercise the Hogarth Club chiswick

Banded Hip Abduction – whether the band is around your feet, on your ankle or above the knee, slightly soften your knees and lean forward a tad. Don’t let your feet come too close together as you edge side to side. You should be feeling your glutes and outer thighs getting tired.

hip abduction with resistance band the Hogarth Club

Seated Hip Abduction – some purists frown upon this piece of kit but it is an excellent way to isolate the gluteus medius and minimus and by the end of the set you will not just feel them firing but on fire.

seated hip abduction machine at the Hogarth Health Club gym in chiswick, West London


Not sure if Marcus Aurelius said it but he was wise enough to know Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your derriere. If I had a pound for every time I’ve crowbarred a tenuous reference into my articles… are you not entertained? I should really be paying someone else to write this. 

Please book in with the gym team and lets get those arses cracking. 020 8995 4600






a NEW piece of equipment has arrived in our HIIT studio - The Glute Drive Machine. Target those glutes with this machine to add power, strength and progress in your glute training. Simply load on your bar with your desired weight, adjust to your measurements and comfort, plug in the soft pad around you - then thrust your hips to the sky until knees, hips and shoulders are in alignment. Features:

• Plate loaded
• Seat length, foot plate and padded strap all adjustable
• Large pad to allow for a variety of stances

the new plate loaded glute drive machine at the Hogarth Club in Chiswick West London


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