Bodypump® classes use barbells and adjustable weights to tone and condition muscles while raising metabolic rate for rapid fat-burning.BODYPUMP is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast!
BODYPUMP® gives you a total body workout working all major muscle groups in just 60 minutes. It is based on the rep effect, a proven formula that exhausts muscles using low weights, while performing high repetitions. This is the secret to developing lean athletic muscle and it will burn up to 540 calories per class. This full-body barbell workout will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health.
The instructor will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than an hour in the gym on your own! No previous weights experience is required and don’t worry, you will NOT bulk up like a bodybuilder!
In this high-intensity class you will execute approximately 800 repetitions of various exercises, but with relatively low weights. You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more.
For anyone looking to get back into fitness or already exercising regularly, BODYPUMP is an excellent choice and will increase strength and muscular endurance. It is best combined with some additional aerobic activity to make a great overall exercise program for any individual.
Here at The Hogarth Health Club in Chiswick, our BODYPUMP® classes are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels.